Tuesday 19 April 2011

MUNICH 14-15 April

We left Salzburg late morning viewing the mountain ranges with fresh overnight snow.  Thankfully on our way to Munich, the temperature started to climb back into the double digits and by the time we arrived in Munich (only 1.5 hours from Salzburg), hooray, we were at 11 degrees.  I wasn’t fond of being in this big industrial city, I much prefer the small, quaint countryside towns and villages, but we were here for one thing and one thing only …. WWE!  Yes, the exciting world of Entertainment Wrestling, you know, the 5 knuckle shuffle and all that!!  The current passion of a 10 year old and certainly the envy of his friends right now.  It was Jack’s turn to be giddy.  Not many people can claim they have gone from the Hills being alive to the Sound of Music one day to Slamdunking and Wedgies the next.  At least Corky got to sit in the Olympic Stadium when he accompanied Jack.

This afternoon however, we visited Dachau, the concentration camp just outside Munich.  Naturally Sophie and Harry skipped along without understanding where they were, Madi obviously knowing something wasn’t quite right but it really sank in for Jack.  He was quite awakened by what horror went on and was interested to learn more and try to understand why it happened.  It really is an eery place and it really doesn’t seem real sometimes that something so horrific and barbaric had occurred in such recent historical times.  To see the bunkbeds they slept in, to walk in the exercise yard, to touch the barbwire alongside the guardtowers and the most horrific, to stand in the gas chamber and cremation rooms.  The hairs on the back of my neck were going crazy.  Sadly Europe isn’t all about Edelweiss flowers and fat cows with bells around their necks.  We will see more atrocities from both World Wars later in our trip.
In front of entrance to Dachau

The Exercise Yard

Walking down between where the sleeping quarters were

Before we barely had our 2nd eye open the next morning, Jack was stumbling over his words with the excitement of telling us about WWE last night.  Instead of the booked seats at the back of the stand, they got to go to the front row standing where the wrestlers came in.  Jack shook hands with Ray Mysterio, saw Big Show and another wrestler growled at him because Jack boo’d him.  He came home with the t-shirt, hat and autograph from Big Show.

Till next time .....

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