Tuesday 12 April 2011

GERMANY 5-8 April

The flight from Dubai to Frankfurt was horrible.  It was so turbulent and rough that the hosties couldn't serve us any lunch for 2 hours because they had to remain seated. I was thrilled when we landed in Frankfurt 6 hours later.  We were met by our friend Joerg and his sister-in-law who drove us back to Sandra & Joerg's house while Corky and Joerg picked up our 8-seater van that we were to be owners of for the next 100 days.

Sandra and Joerg and their 2 kids Sidney (4) and Nick (7 months) live in a lovely village called Ingleheim which is about 45 mins out of Frankfurt.  Sandra was waiting there with the kids and it was so lovely to see them after 8 years!

The next day we went down to Bingen on the Rhine River and caught the ferry across to a gorgeous town on the otherside of the river and then caught the cablecar up the hillside to incredible views ... up here we enjoyed our first German beer and the gorgeous spring sunshine.  We were so excited to be in Europe, especially bringing the kids here for the first time.

Going up in the cablecar

Kids and Sidney crossing the Rhine River

Hillside view
Kids in laneway

At the top overlooking the Rhine River

That night we had a BBQ at Sandra and Joerg's and Sandra's sister brought her 12 year old son over and Jack and Lars spent the evening playing soccer in the backyard and learning each others language.

After another beautiful breakfast of fresh bread, cheeses, hams, croissants, coffee and hot chocolates, we were ready to drive just over an hour to see the beautiful and historic 900 year old Burg Eltz Castle which is situated on the Mosel River.  Corky was excited to get on the autobahn.  Unfortunately the castle had scaffolding up one side but it was still incredible to have a look around inside.  It is owned by a family who are the 33rd generation to own it and it use to be on the 5 Deuschmark note before Euro's came in.  Apparently the Count who now owns it was there that day but we didn't get to see him.  From here we drove down and had a picnic in the sun by the Mosel River.  We were still pinching ourselves that we were here.  We took the scenic route back along the Mosel and Rhine rivers and lost count of all the castles along the rivers but marvelled at the constant beauty and history.  We arrived back in Ingelheim at 6pm in time for dinner at the brewery where another couple of German beers and schnitzel were well appreciated.

At the castle

The kids with Sidney and Burg Eltz Castle in the background

Picnic on the Mosel River

Driving along the Rhine

Castle on the Rhine

Our last morning we went for breakfast at another friend Nadja's house who also lives in Ingelheim with her husband Michael and 2 daughters Lily and Ava.  After breakfast we said our goodbyes, loaded up our van and headed south for Zurich, Switzerland.  The drive took us through Heidelberg where we stopped for lunch and to explore the famous Heidelberg Castle.  After here we headed down the autobahn with Corky reaching 150kph in the slow lane!  I don't think the van or my nerves could cope with going any faster, especially since the view started to blur.  Soon we were driving alongside the French border and we reached Basal and into Switzerland.  Zurich was only 20 mins from there.

View from Heidleberg Castle

Heidleberg Castle in background
We are looking forward to cow bells and Toblerone ..... till next time xxx

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